Paria Canyon Hike - Into the Canyon
Joanne and Kathryn check out a good spot for lunch. Gary splashes on, dwarfed by the walls. Another fascinating design by erosion. A sandy stretch of the hike. Towering columns seem to keep guard.
Gary and Joanne trek on through the scrubs. Wilderness sculptures Crossing the Paria yet again. A mysterious "carving" caught our eyes. The rock design a little closer up.
The walls seem to be symmetrically split in two. Cottonwoods with some new Spring leaves. These trees added a burst of green to the landscape. Sleek and slippery. Looking back towards the last bend in the river.
The canyon starts to narrow. Towards the next bend. Kathryn and Joanne wade on through. Sunshine catches the upper parts of the narrow canyon walls. This was a very exciting part of the hike.
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